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== The Ballots, A Reparations Guide by Dr. Mustafa Ansari ==

A Synopsis of the Ballots

Over a period of (4) centuries, 10 to 25 million Africans from approximately (18) eighteen West African countries were transported into North America to engage in slave labor. The enterprise of transporting millions of persons for slave labor of persons was actually a system of massive racial killings, humiliations, tortures, beatings, rapes, family splitting, and breeding, all for the purpose of manufacturing a unit of slave labor.
The Africans nor the European slavers who have benefited from their ancestors participation in this evil trade could deny this participation that resulted in gold, rum, cloth guns or agricultural or servant labor could raise any objection to any of these occurrences alleged as facts.
Consequently, the Africans now residing in the United States who were created out of these experiences in the United States are indigenous to the United States. This is based on an important international legal doctrine spread out over at least 5 conventions says that a distinct group of people created in slavery is autochthon indigenous to the soil on which they were created and have the right to self-determination and compensation.
The economic side of this analysis means that the African slave descendants have accrued an interest in the land and are imbued with the right to preserve and protect their culture, their newly acquired land, language, customs, and mineral resources.
The fundamental natural law that a person has no right to enslave another person is intertwined in religious philosophy. These Holy books first set out the natural rights of man over his physical self as well as his spiritual soul . This philosophy based on the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran is transcribed in political Science and customary law. These books gave life to the expression that “ all humans are created equal in the eyes of God ’.
Under Mosaic Law we also find the commandment “ man shall not steal”, as the natural law of the Christians, Muslims, and Jews. So the theft of the African slaves, and their descendants entitles them to restitution from those who sold them [Africans] as well as those who bought them [Europeans].
The Declaration of Human Rights , The Draft on Indigenous people concerning self-determination and the U.N. Subcommission on the Prevention of Discrimination and the Protection of Minorities confirm the right of man to his ‘political’ and ‘indigenous self’.
It is the purpose of this treatise to interpret these laws by saying for the first time that the African slave descendants possess natural indigenous rights to the soil on which they were created as well as the right of return to their native lands. The International conventions and doctrines support the view that the African Slaves have accrued unrecognized indigenous rights and privileges in the United States and in Africa distinct from the so-called European Christians, the continental Africans [the conquering groups] and the indigenous Indian and African tribes who now who lord over land in which have attachments of African American Human Rights.
In this regard the author will show a multitude of verifiable scientific evidence from different historians, archaeologist and genealogist that definitively show that the West African peoples turned African-American slaves were self-determining and had a historical continuity with the indigenous Indian tribe[s] at least eleven thousand years prior to the arrival of the European colonialist.

By Dr. Mustafa Ansari

International law says that indigenous status is proper when a group of people establish an historical continuity' with the land. In 1989 the findings and consensus of the states concluded that " Indigenous people are "first peoples", tribal peoples, aboriginals and autochthons by way of a 5-point analysis, not fully agreed upon by a number of Tribes and states. a) Common ancestry with the original occupants of these lands; b) Culture in general, or in specific manifestations (such as religion, living under a tribal system, membership of an indigenous community, dress, means of livelihood, lifestyle, etc.) c) Language; d) Residence in certain parts of the country, or in certain regions of the world; e) Other relevant factors The 5-point criterion of the Sub commission means that historical, archaeological, linguistic and genealogical tracings have developed the evidences of an American "autochthon" and "aboriginal" identity. This means that the appropriate remedy for the African American is a uniquely fitted African and American indigenous dual status, restitutionary land rights, psychological and physical rehabilitation were appropriate, genocide and wage compensation[s] Accordingly, the Indigenous African-American Tribunal posits this question to the slave descendants in the form of a plebiscite *in order for them to determine their rights to indigenous land within the borders of present day America. We do so forthwithly because historical, anthropological, paleontological and archeological research has afforded us irrefutable evidence arrived in America in three waves in the Americas 11, 500 to 25 thousand years prior to the arrival of Columbus, and that the fourth population wave [The Trans-Atlantic gendocide] has given us an accrued autochthon indigenous land rights during the slavery transmutations of thousands of our African and Afro-Indian tribes.

The findings of the Sub commission laid down a 5-point indigenous analysis:

a) Common ancestry with the original occupants of these lands; b) Culture in general, or in specific manifestations (such as religion, living under a tribal system, membership of an indigenous community, dress, means of livelihood, lifestyle, etc.) c) Language; d) Residence in certain parts of the country, or in certain regions of the world; e) Other relevant factors The 5-point criterion of the Sub commission means that historical, archaeological, linguistic and genealogical tracings develop the evidences of an American "autochthon" and "aboriginal" identity. It is these combinations of factors, which are necessary to trigger the international rationale for restitution, rehabilitation, compensation and indigenous land rights under the reparative analysis.
Accordingly, the Indigenous African-American Tribunal posits this question to the slave descendants in the form of a plebiscite in order for them to determine their rights to indigenous land within the borders of present day America.
We do so forthwithly because historical, anthropological, paleontological and archeological research has afforded us irrefutable evidence that the Africans sailed to the Americas and continuously lived in the Americas 11, 500 to 25 thousand years prior to the arrival of Columbus, and are arguably aboriginal to the land now know as the United States, and most certainly have accrued autochthon indigenous land rights because of the transmutations during the slavery period.

African Americans

The selling of our African ancestors did not deprive them of their "Africaness", or their right of return of their land and rights and we should not be deprived of what our grandparents accrued in the Americas before, during, and after the white man came.
Everyone has a land of their own and we have two says the Tribunal. We are entitled to the estate of our African grandfather and the wages and land of our African American grandfathers

The original American was an African who walked and rode the tides to America. See the discovery of the earliest ancestor called "Luzia".

We came to America from East Africa, South Africa, Australia and West Africa over many millennia and we make up many Indian, and African tribes in South and North America. During the slave trade the Africans in America were mixed with over 500 African tribes, 300 Indian tribes as well as the Europeans. slavery

We are truly African American

The Legal Basis
           (a) The UN Economic and Social Council's
Human Rights Committee of  the 56th Session
Victim Reparations Guideline[April 2000]
Paragraph 22 gives us the right to have a
recognized  Indigenous status,
and settlement development in America and 
in Africa, and monetary and rehabilitation compensations from the offending European and African states.
             b) World Convention against Racism 
[Durban South Africa] August 2001 "Slavery is a Crime Against Humanity"

Dr. Mustafa Ansari
Chief Justice
Indigenous African American Reparations Tribunal
and Author of
"The Ballots" A Reparations Guide


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