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2004-MADNESS-never HAPPENED!msg/soc.culture.ethiopia.moderated/rjMljRFRbO8/tHjTBpEvleMJ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ansari Mustafa" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2004 5:28 PM
Subject: The Descendants have responded - [New Deadlines ] Reparations
Victory Land in Africa granted

> Greetings, Peace and Power Repatriates,
> Due to the overwhelming demand for the historic voyage
> back to Africa for land parcels. We have rescheduled
> the charter flights . The new schedule is August 15 to
> September 1 and September 1 to September 15. The New
> deadline is July 9 and July 16 respectively.
> We can only accomodate 1,000 homesites at this time.
> We will open up 5,000 more next summer. The news of
> these sites will hit the Black Newspapers, African
> American organizations and mainstream Broadcast media
> in the next 7 to 10 days.
> We have added the following telephone lines for your
> convienance 1-212-852-9000 24 hour line.
> After June 9, 2004 1-800-509-8034 will open up as a
> ticket order line.
> 1-800-564-2905 will open up as a information line for
> passport, Visa information, shot information, and
> places to obtain quinine tablets.
> This trip is for pioneers, honed African travelers and
> skilled Africans. We will visit both sites, bring
> boots, sleeping bag, and light clothing.
> For those of you who are not able to camp in the Adele
> village with us. There is a hotel not far from the
> village. In addition, Additional guest houses and
> Hotels will be made available to you in Accra, in case
> you cannot make it to the sites.
> May God bless the New African Tribe.
> Dr. Mustafa Ansari
> Presiding Chief Justice
> Indigenous African American Reparations Tribunal
> --- Ansari Mustafa <>
> wrote:
> > Press Release
> >
> >     Reparation Land available for Repatriates
> >
> >     The Indigenous African American Reparations
> > Tribunal in conjunction with Committe For African
> > American Reparations, The Black Lawyers
> > Alternate Dispute Resolution and Peace Makers
> > Institute and the International Human Rights
> > Association of American Minorities, a NGO with
> > Consulatative status with the United Nations is
> > pleased to annouce, a gift of Land to the Captured
> > Afrikan Survivors of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
> >
> > Free Parcels are available for single family homes
> > and
> > commercial use. Preference will be given to
> > Engineers,
> > Doctors, Nurses, Certified Nursing Assistants,
> > Elementary School teachers, Pan-African and
> > Reparation
> > organizations,Agricultural, Chicken and Fish
> > Farmers,
> > Animal Husbandry persons, Communication and Computer
> > technicians, Ship builders, Road builders,
> > Psychologist , And grant writers.
> >
> > To apply you will need to go to Ghana. Their will be
> >
> > two Chartered planes to Ghana leaving August 1, 2004
> > and returning August 15, 2004 and a second group of
> > chartered planes leaving August 16, 2004 and
> > returning
> > August 31,2004.
> >
> > Please make your reservations now the deadline for
> > tickets is June 18, 2004 and will be given out on a
> > First come, First serve basis.
> >
> > Repatriation Tickets are 2250.00 that include your
> > parcel, round trip ticket from New York,
> > accomodation
> > to and from the settlement, and meals at the
> > settlement. Their will be an additional cost of
> > 250.00
> > to process your application and the conveyance of
> > your
> > land transfer deed.
> >
> > Tickets and Tour Informataion are available through:
> > Goodluck Express Travale Inc. , 130 w. 42nd Street.
> > Buck Towers, Suite 704
> > New York, New York 10036
> >
> > Tele: 1-877-438-8582 for Tour Tickets
> > or Call 1-718-937-3165 for more information
> >
         ** Freedom is a Conversation about being free
         ** When we are not in Conversation about being free
         ** We are no longer free.  GET THE WORD OUT:



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