Human Rights Defenders and monitors are mainly volunteer positions wherein a person has a passion for their cause. A criminal cannot, I repeat cannot educate a prosecutor or a judge or even a policeman. Oh, he loves, loves loves calling the police! He brags about it. Just listen to him. But you will NEVER see him on camera. EVER. He will not allow it and you will never be invited to his home for dinner or meet him as we meet others on this path. He has not been to any UN functions whatsoever. I know, I was there at many. American Institute of Human Rights Home UN Human Rights Monitor UN Human Rights Defender Human Rights Conferences and Webinars more... The American Institute of Human Rights is a Non-Governmental Organization, based in Atlanta, Georgia . The mission of the Institute is to provide Human Rights education. ...
Fraud-do not give money to this person. Check his history ask for this credentials.