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This is so freaking wrong!

No wonder he spread that fake link about me in 2012 and helped fan the flames against me.  He was in his element when it happened.  He could continue to rip people off with no interference while I healed from that betrayal by my own people.  The link is no longer there about me under my old Princess name.  That is because those who launched that failed attack, felt threatened by me.  I will call out anyone and take on anybody who harms a black soul.  ANYONE, ANYWHERE.

Ansari truly believed it was all there.  That failed plot created an international incident which three countries that I belong to worked to resolve.  What he does not tell you is that the fabricator of the Youtube Video he parades around was done by a fake king who declared himself King of Atlanta and who my family and I called out because no SEX OFFENDER can ever be a king and certainly, declaring himself from an empire in Benin that did not exist was sheer madness.  Why take your behavior out on ME?  But that video which is still there because the idiot is in prison.

And what he does not tell you as well is that the radio show done by an enemy, who called a young black man "nigger stupid" in one of my groups, a man who was considered an elder to us all and his wife, Lady Fatima, did not get the Benin Ambassador nor myself on that show!  I had the Ambassador recalled home. And he was!  He had to go home to face my family.    He has since been replaced and most who had a part in that failed attempt are no more.  It was resolved as soon as it hit.  But Ansari did not know that!  He had no idea, since he helped to add to it and spread it, as he commented on it.  He thought he was free of me and others who were on to him.  Well he was WRONG!

I took time to heal from the betrayal, in the company of wonderful, compassionate black folk and my family in all three countries.  I am a Royal, descendant of Oduduwa and Oranmiyan by blood.  I can hold my head up high because I did nothing and anyone can call the Benin Embassy to check, in fact I encourage you to do so.

Ansari will attempt to launch another attack,and manufacture "evidence" to discredit me which is why no one wants to confront him once they realize they have been had. He gets completely guttural and we have all seen him do it in groups.

Note on his page and elsewhere, he can speak to you or teach you NOTHING but what he can SELL you and that is Human Rights Courses from a fake Human Rights Institute and he will not give you his credentials including any books he has written.  He has written nothing. One only has to check the Library of Congress where he should have gotten an ISBN number and he should be able to give you an Entity Number for his Institute before you send money, but do not send him your transcripts!  Please, he can use them for his own purposes. if you pay someone DEMAND they prove who they say they are and do your due diligence!  Anyone can make up ANYTHING on-line as you know from the 2016 "Selection".  As a supposed Political Author, he is not registered to VOTE!  During the most critical part of the election cycle did he enlighten you on the differences between a GOP Conservative, a Populist, or even a Liberal?  Can he talk about ANYTHING on his social media accounts besides UN 60/147?  He's been TALKING about it since at least 2002 not long after getting out of jail and nothing has been done because he lied!  And his thesis is FLAWED.  Who pre-sells a book not written and collects money for it? Who leaves as many victims of his fake legal clinic, does his time that he pleaded down to and not feel bad about it?  His new hustle is now the Human Rights Courses.  Make him PROVE he is qualified to teach.  But those classes we can get you free from those International Attorneys who are well versed and can certify you if need be.  But Human Rights Defenders is not a cutting edge vocation.  For the most part, they are courageous volunteers!

Ask him for his resume.  It's posted online.  But ask him, and ask for the Entity number for his "Institute". And do not give him MONEY!

He can call me a Sambo, Negro, Crazy, Fraud, Paid FBI informant or whatever, but it still does not take away from who he is. Some people change with mistakes, he has refused to.  Please look closely at all my staff and I present here for you to make up your own minds. Note in charging him, he was TOLD to stop his fraud, he REFUSED and merely changed the name of the illegal entity, since no papers were filed to make it legal. He was finally jailed in the 90s but as you can see here, the fraud went back to the 1980s when he came to California after serving time in the Illinois Correctional System where he earned his undergrad.  Note his age at the time of the charges in California. That makes him almost 70 now and he believes that if you get Social Security Disability or Disability of any kind, YOU are a Charity Case!  I find that funny because some of the people who gave him money are either on Disability or are aged to where they are now getting back what they took out.  When you have no real work history and your sole income is either substitute teaching of primary children in Oakland, you don't know or understand Social Security is taken from your check!  And those of us who began work younger are able to either retire or if we become ill, draw on that pension.  When I am ready to retire, I will be able to either draw on my Social Security and my private pension as well as my husband's.  Ansari has no such options except to hope that he can draw on his wife's account.

Just do not give him money or you may well end up like these many many victims who thought they were divorced but were not.  The scope of this fraud was tremendous and he is legend in California legal circles.

Thank you


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