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Our battle 2017

My words on his Facebook page he continues to erase:

You left here and went to twitter but friends there told me and others of you miserable attempt to defame.

People are friending me and following the website on you, as it is updated.

You are done.

You cannot hide from Sango you miserable low down creep using our plight to rip off our people. May you catch fire after a bolt of lightening out of the sky!

You were called out back in 2002 before I knew of you, as a hustler. No one has ever believed you and it's why since 2002 you have gotten nowhere verifiable and like trump you lie in the face of the truth. I was the object of your lies, so my laptop recorded video of everything. Absolutely everything when we discovered you were not who you said you were, there were no international attorneys, there were no conferences, there were no scholars and you were no attorney. I was told by those who know you and your fraudulent carnage at the courthouse. No one forgot you or how you left many many victims, black victims in your wake.

Not even a smart hustler who uses the words of a convicted felon doing time that I outed too as a fake king. It's his insanity in that video now where is he? In prison.

Call the Embassy Mustafa Ansari. You will have a heart attack to know that Ambassador has been gone and they know if no such thing!!! You thought all that madness was still online? Unlike your record, fake news goes away when it's fake. But the truth remains like arrest records, money transmittal, broken trusts, lies you cannot back up. I have your resume. It's laughable and it's why you cannot get a job. None of it is verifiable and you submitted to my husband, head of the Department of that University when in the US, of all things of all PEOPLE!


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