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I will not stand down!

My words to him on his FB page:

I refuse to stand down no matter what you say or manufacture about me.

No, you have taught no one anything in your fake Courses. No matter what you say about me, all of us who know you and are now working very hard for our people and do not charge for anything we are qualified and educated to teach.

I am talking to your victims, the human Rights Courses, remember? Very recent and they would disagree with any assessment you make about how valid you are. I was inside the WizQ account of a student and you teach nothing. You can answer no cogent question and at times, as one student said, you are incoherent! I agree.

This all stems from your sociopathic behavior. I do not need to lie or otherwise fabricate any info on you. You ruined yourself.

The trial transcript from your conviction and the civil actions dating back to even 1986, and current victims of your past "conferences" and your own trip to Ghana where you actually took money from a few who trusted you to bring back land deeds for them. I have had proof of the money transfers and emails from that time. You took their money because you had none and had the audacity to come back to the US and
not explain yourself to these people who not only thought of you as a friend, but they trusted you. You cannot get out of any of this.

You still cannot answer the basic questions I pose, you deflect.

Those of us who stuck together with respect to that FB only scam about me, which did not stand, were laughing last evening on a conference call at how you thought that madness would bear the fruit it did in 2011. You did not know I spoke the truth and that mess was removed except by the the YouTube video done by a fool now in prison for child sex abuse charges, fraud, domestic abuse and parole visitation. He was the fake royal pissed that I have two kingdoms behind me and a very impressive Royal lineage he could not fake. We knew you would be shocked that its all gone. People can call the Embassy and find they have no idea of anything like that. You are a moron. You were one of those who thought you would gain by trying to bring me down then, because I was on you like a trashy white girl on a black man.

You are deplorable because you bring up what little you can and will manufacture much more in your failed quest to again discredit me. Its not working, your victims are still talking and giving necessary information on money transmittal and access to their WizQ accounts for verification. Also their email exchanges with you.

Soon WizQ will freeze your account.

No matter what you do or say about me, you are true to form and as in any trial or other battle I prepare. I anticipate my opponent and tricks he or she may pull. You forget I am not only a real attorney in three states, admitted pro-hac vice to others where I assist in other trials when needed. I am also an International attorney with verified credentials. I'm also much more educated than you. Were I insane I would never have gotten my first doctorate (and not my valid law degree JD), but accepted to Oxford where I will finish another while gaining even more knowledge on not only International Human Rights but Restorative Justice as is my specialty. You have no experience much less credible education. New School is laughable since it too was declared fraudulent. Yet you continue to press that as well as your non admittance to Georgetown. For an attorney my Bar numbers allow me to access data bases others can't.  You knew I had to much on you for many years since I challenged you years ago.

You make yourself look bad. You send those on your own friends list to me along with your victims, who can see thru you and ask the hard questions. Even the videos you posted you only raised the validity of your claims. Intelligent minds now, as then, saw it for what it was, a failed attempt to try to take down a very global threat. And that I have been and always will be. I have no stain, I have no criminal history. There are no charges against me. There are no money transmittal where I ever took money from anyone for citizenships. I do have dual citizenship as do others free. But Benin and Nigeria are my father lands as is the US. No, I rather remain here in West Africa than to live in trump land, an idiot who is much like you! And criminal as you with both of you bilking people in fake school scams.

For you, as old as you are, with no real prospects for a future, a person who does not move forward in life at all, you see your sources of income and attempt at credibility dwindling by an "agent", "insane" "negro" black woman.

I will not stop Mustafa. All of your supporters are gone. You cannot pull more than five people together and this conference will go the way of others you planned, no where.


Queen Agontime
Insane, agent, negro black Woman


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