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The Questions asked he never answers

Name one judge you taught. Provide the proof you are an International Attorney. I am one and you are not a member of the International Bar!

You have lied about your books!

Name these: law school from which you graduated and New School as you know was shut down and all certificates and degrees declared invalid.

2. What state do you hold a Bar card and pay dues

3. Most importantly, the Entity number you should have for your "Institute"

4.ISBN for the books you claimed to have written.

5. Tell the good people here how you earn money and where?

6. When did you attend either Georgetown or Harvard

I detest with a passion those who rip off our people in the name of changing our plight for the better. If you cared about these people, and your criminal history says otherwise, you would help, not harm them and above all, not take them for money courses you are not qualified to teach.

It's your MO to call folk Negroes, Sambos, Crazy, Agents, etc, as long as you deflect you continue to not answer the people who need to know who you are if you are taking their money.

Since 2002 you have had one fraud after another and many of us trusted you because we could not conceive that one who purported to care about our plight, did not. We waited and waited for your "scholars, lawyers, anthropologists", etc who would prove your thesis that we are indigenous to the Americas and we are NOT. But never have you named one authority. Now you are attempting to play in my arena by saying celebrities are donating money for you to offer scholarships for your phones classes! I know many of them and they are funders of my NGO and non profits! No one knows you or ever heard of you!

The International Bar is investigating as are officials from the U.K. To California to Georgia! Each time you took money from your victims, you committed either wire or mail fraud!

It's wrong! And you have the unmitigated (keep up, know you can't spell or pronounce words) gall to say "too late". You have taken many but advising anyone of note, NO.

Ansari you do not play with my people. You do not take their hard earned money because you cannot get or even keep a job. Running cons is all you know to do. Rip off white folk! But not our people!


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