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Mo'betta stupid

Why can't you show your credentials to the very people you charge money? No court would need to be involved if you did not attempt to teach what you are not qualified to teach.

I recall when you called people who did not agree you, NEGROES and SAMBOS and AGENTS and CRAZY and all manner of foul names. No one ever believed you as those folk had no stain.

You have tried on the limited social media available to you to defame me and not getting much support. You are a laughingstock! A complete and utter laughingstock. The more you attempt to defame me or otherwise try to stop me, you get taken to school by YOURSELF. You play YOURSELF.

COPD does not get better, it gets progressively worse. And it does result ultimately in your brain being starved of oxygen.

To say this is a lie will force you to introduce your medical records into EVIDENCE.

You think of the law as a means to scare folk into doing what you want. You have no idea what it takes to actually practice law and with the exception of nuisance complaints, it's all you have. You think  saying I slandered or speak lies when I clearly posted your own words and a link back to where those posts could be found is ludicrous! You think such an exercise will give you license to get as ghetto as you are known to be. But it does not. You cannot say slander and not have those claims dismissed when a tryor of fact can see the words are yours, with a link back to where you said them.

I do have a firm,very prestigious where I am of counsel and they will make mince meat of you just on what I said here. Courts are not a free for all. You merely give a date and time for an arrest to take place! And you are going to jail! These people need their money back moron. For you to take it saying you are an attorney is wrong. Graduating law school never made a lawyer. And where do you get off calling yourself DOCTOR?? You have an inflated sense of what a JD is if you think that gives you license to call yourself DOCTOR. No law school graduate does it. EVER! PLUS, you by your own admission attended Santa Clara School of Law. But you note only New School which was forced to close and lost its accreditation!

Every single slap at me or your victims makes you look stupid. People need more than a mere YouTube video to impugn my character. They can call the Embassy you know. I encourage them to! You actually thought all that madness of 2011 and 2012 was still there! It is to laugh! My father said one day I would laugh at it all and he smiles at me these days, because he was indeed correct. It's funny!

A CHARITY case because I was able to get disability of what I put in to social security? You inept lunatic!

And again relying on the internet for facts. One of my RESIDENCES is in California, with more elsewhere as I am married. But it's dumb as heck for you to think I cannot get on a PLANE to be with my family in Benin and Nigeria is insane! Because you can't does not mean the rest of us can't. People know where I am idiot. Lol! You loon! It's hard to hide on a video conference you know. It's hard to do. I do not have to stay in Trump land and neither does my husband! No one really does, but those like you with no work history, NOTHING.


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