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Showing posts from September, 2017

Sadly, Imam Jamil formerly H. Rap Brown

I was saddened so sad and hurt when H. Rap Brown whose work in the Civil Rights Movement is legend, was convicted of murder in Georgia.  I watched the trial along with other friends each day and knew the train that was meant to take him to prison would not derail. It was an awful day when the inevitable happened and he was convicted of murder and sentenced. It is egregious for Mustafa Ansari to now claim he wrote legal briefs for the Imam since the Imam's own family hired a team of attorneys.  That only picture you will EVER see of Ansari was taken in Musa Dan Fodio's office where he went to see if the Imam would allow him to represent him at trial.  History itself will bear out that he was not part of the legal team, nor is Ansari represented as a contact for the Imam. It appears that Ansari is attempting to mirror the legal career of Musa Dan Fodio. That is evidenced here and on the prosecution of Sgt. Hasan Akbar. I am stunned that he would use the plight of such a gr

He was not on the team defending Sgt. Hanson Akbar

His lies are coming apart. He was not on the teach representing this soldier as he claimed. Hattiesburg American (Hattiesburg, Mississippi) 10 Mar 2004, Wed

This is so freaking wrong!

No wonder he spread that fake link about me in 2012 and helped fan the flames against me.  He was in his element when it happened.  He could continue to rip people off with no interference while I healed from that betrayal by my own people.  The link is no longer there about me under my old Princess name.  That is because those who launched that failed attack, felt threatened by me.  I will call out anyone and take on anybody who harms a black soul.  ANYONE, ANYWHERE. Ansari truly believed it was all there.  That failed plot created an international incident which three countries that I belong to worked to resolve.  What he does not tell you is that the fabricator of the Youtube Video he parades around was done by a fake king who declared himself King of Atlanta and who my family and I called out because no SEX OFFENDER can ever be a king and certainly, declaring himself from an empire in Benin that did not exist was sheer madness.  Why take your behavior out on ME?  But that video w

Ansari and Mayor Ron Dellums

I do recall within our circles, Mustafa Ansari telling us all he was working with the incoming Mayor, Ron Dellums.  We were excited that this liaison would push the agenda he was selling us.  Note, we still believed he had a book, which he was PRE SELLING on the Yahoo groups and Topica Groups and on various other social media outlets. Los Angeles Times 2006

Ukiah California Journal

Ukiah Daily Journal (Ukiah, California) 21 Jun 1992, Sun

The beginning of the Fraud-Back to the Future 1986  AARTS PRODUCTIONS, INC., Plaintiff and Appellant, v. CROCKER NATIONAL BANK, et al., Defendants and Respondents. H000601. Decided: April 11, 1986   James J. Reilly, San Francisco, Paul J. Slavit, Wilson & Slavit, Oakland, for plaintiff and appellant.  Mary Lynne Thaxter, Hoge, Fenton, Jones & Appel, Inc., San Jose, for defendants and respondents .IIn this case we determine that defendants Crocker Bank and its employees are not liable for wrongful dishonor of checks drawn against an account when the bank complies with its account agreement when faced with conflicting demands by the signatories on the account.   We accordingly affirm the trial court's grant of summary judgment in favor of defendants.IIScope of Review Since a summary judgment motion raises only questions of law regarding the construction and effect of the supporting and opposing papers, we independently review them on appeal, applying the same th

Newspaper coverage of the scams #1

This goes to proclivity and note, he would not shut down the illegal "Law Firm", he would merely change his location and the name.  Note as well, that this has been going on since the 1980s when he tells you he was in law school.  He had no supervising attorney and the record reflects he was warned to close those clinics.  Practicing law without a license is illegal.  It's as illegal as he is now, with his fake "American Human Rights Institute".  When I outed him in 2011 and early 2012, he first said in a Facebook group, he was a "Political Prisoner". WOW! We were able to show the INSTITUTE was a FRAUD, then the fake attempt to defame my name came. We were able to go to Google Earth and see this.  Friends then went to the surrounding buildings for the mail drop and accessed pictures of him going to the drop and leaving.  He then changed the so-called "location" to Stone Mountain.  Yet another mail drop.  All you have to do is go to Google E

Mo'betta stupid

Why can't you show your credentials to the very people you charge money? No court would need to be involved if you did not attempt to teach what you are not qualified to teach. I recall when you called people who did not agree you, NEGROES and SAMBOS and AGENTS and CRAZY and all manner of foul names. No one ever believed you as those folk had no stain. You have tried on the limited social media available to you to defame me and not getting much support. You are a laughingstock! A complete and utter laughingstock. The more you attempt to defame me or otherwise try to stop me, you get taken to school by YOURSELF. You play YOURSELF. COPD does not get better, it gets progressively worse. And it does result ultimately in your brain being starved of oxygen. To say this is a lie will force you to introduce your medical records into EVIDENCE. You think of the law as a means to scare folk into doing what you want. You have no idea what it takes to actually practice law and with the exc

Inquiring minds....

Where is the African American Reparations Council? Where is Songhai Media?? Where is African Native Radio? Where are your *reparations conferences* where you chartered TWO jets to Ghana? Where is your revolutionary rap-off What happened between you and Ron Dellums And where is your American Human Rights Institute and the LEGAL entity# from the Secretary of State in the state where it has to be registered before you can take money from people Why are so many coming to me about your fake human rights courses and giving money transmittal info to prove you ripped them off? Why is the Stone Mountain address for your fake INSTITUTE where you say you are DEAN of STUDENTS and a LAW PROFESSOR who cannot practice law a mail drop AGAIN where you are late on payments to them? Name ONE JUDGE you taught. Just ONE. Why since 2002 have you failed to disclose the names of all your supposed scholars and International attorneys? What are the ISBN #s of any books you have written? Where are th

I will not stand down!

My words to him on his FB page: I refuse to stand down no matter what you say or manufacture about me. No, you have taught no one anything in your fake Courses. No matter what you say about me, all of us who know you and are now working very hard for our people and do not charge for anything we are qualified and educated to teach. I am talking to your victims, the human Rights Courses, remember? Very recent and they would disagree with any assessment you make about how valid you are. I was inside the WizQ account of a student and you teach nothing. You can answer no cogent question and at times, as one student said, you are incoherent! I agree. This all stems from your sociopathic behavior. I do not need to lie or otherwise fabricate any info on you. You ruined yourself. The trial transcript from your conviction and the civil actions dating back to even 1986, and current victims of your past "conferences" and your own trip to Ghana where you actually took money from a fe

Our battle 2017

My words on his Facebook page he continues to erase: You left here and went to twitter but friends there told me and others of you miserable attempt to defame. People are friending me and following the website on you, as it is updated. You are done. You cannot hide from Sango you miserable low down creep using our plight to rip off our people. May you catch fire after a bolt of lightening out of the sky! You were called out back in 2002 before I knew of you, as a hustler. No one has ever believed you and it's why since 2002 you have gotten nowhere verifiable and like trump you lie in the face of the truth. I was the object of your lies, so my laptop recorded video of everything. Absolutely everything when we discovered you were not who you said you were, there were no international attorneys, there were no conferences, there were no scholars and you were no attorney. I was told by those who know you and your fraudulent carnage at the courthouse. No one forgot you or how you le

The Questions asked he never answers

Name one judge you taught. Provide the proof you are an International Attorney. I am one and you are not a member of the International Bar! You have lied about your books! Name these: law school from which you graduated and New School as you know was shut down and all certificates and degrees declared invalid. 2. What state do you hold a Bar card and pay dues 3. Most importantly, the Entity number you should have for your "Institute" 4.ISBN for the books you claimed to have written. 5. Tell the good people here how you earn money and where? 6. When did you attend either Georgetown or Harvard I detest with a passion those who rip off our people in the name of changing our plight for the better. If you cared about these people, and your criminal history says otherwise, you would help, not harm them and above all, not take them for money courses you are not qualified to teach. It's your MO to call folk Negroes, Sambos, Crazy, Agen