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Law Professor

Ansari barely made it out of a now defunct law school! He claimed he was at New School yes, but at a time when it's credentials were found to be non-existent.  We now find those who attended at the time he did attend those degrees were declared fraudulent by the Department of Education.  He only went back after serving his sentence in jail of three years for the fraudulent divorces a d more time passed.

A law professor is a person who teaches law courses to students.  But a professor and any attorney has a basic understanding and grasp of law PERIOD. He can only focus on that UN 60/147 which Imam Jamil and his family during his murder trial refused to use as a defense. Ansari wanted him labelled a political prisoner and this resolution is clear, one using it must PROVE the thesis that African Americans are indigenous to North America.  That is something Ansari knows. In the past Ansari attempted with those of us who actually went to law school, passed Bar exams (he did not, he is prohibited practicing law in California because of the fraud), and went on to practice.  Ansari did not.  He took no tests to show under the laws of any state that he has practical and and a working awareness of law.

Note HE declared the women, who I say are accomplices in this as "law professors".  I saw where he inflated the credentials of those women and did to them  as he did to others of us. He took one "professor" from someone with a few  classes in criminal law to an MA! The other he claimed, falsely was one of his scholars on a mission for his "Institute" in Iran.  They allowed that.  He is using "International Law" as a cover for not having a law license. He has no idea of the policy and procedure governing international lawyers so he lies to you.

ANY book published in the US MUST have an ISBN number. Not one book has he ever published.  So he is asking you to spend money on a book and classes you can get free while we deal with the insanity of being Black in America.  It's at a time when what he is charging will one day mean bread and butter for YOU in Amerikkka. Now he is asking for the last four of your ssn and having you sign a payment plan.  MY god people, he will SUE you.  It does not matter it's all a fraud, but if you sign up for a payment plan for fake courses, the law will not allow you to NOT pay.  This snake will sue you. And he is messy with no sense of courtroom procedure.  NONE.  You can't get a job in America monitoring lynchings and not be hurt in some manner by racist whites.

Please give him no money.


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